Roadkill data visualization in Jupyter Notebook

Huang-Sin Syu

PH.D. Student, Department of Geomatics, NCKU


This set of slides is an introduction to geospatial data visualization with roadkill data. It will show how to construct geospatial objects from tabular vector data or shapefiles. To work with these geospatial data in Python, we can use GeoPandas, shapely or related libraries for manipulating and analyzing the data. This slideset will also cover the following parts: loading data from CSV and shapefile, visualizing geospatial data with matplotlib and folium, using spatial operations to make thematic maps, fetching the street newtorks from OpenStreetMap, as well as visualizing them with the osmnx package. All of our datasets come from the research data repository except street networks data. The techniques presented here can be used for advanced spatial analysis and for exploring spatial relation in various application scenarios.

1. Loading a sample roadkill dataset

The Pandas library already has a built-in function read_csv( ) for retrieving data from a public link. We can use it to download the roadkill dataset and view the first 5 items.

In [2]:
rk_species = pd.read_csv('')
id 科名 科名(中文) 物種名 物種名(中文) 紀錄時間 地點 經度 緯度
0 24933 Bufonidae 蟾蜍科 Rana longicrus 長腳赤蛙 2016-01-01 宜蘭縣員山鄉 121.636558 24.754443
1 24934 Muscicapidae 鶲科 Turdus pallidus 白腹鶇 2016-01-02 基隆市中正區 122.081660 25.628610
2 24935 Muridae 鼠科 Bandicota indica 鬼鼠 2016-01-02 高雄市茄萣區 120.195258 22.894975
3 24944 Talpidae 鼴鼠科 Mogera insularis insularis 台灣鼴鼠 2016-01-03 台中市北屯區 120.788463 24.173821
4 24971 Colubridae 黃頷蛇科 Lycodon ruhstrati ruhstrati 白梅花蛇 2016-01-04 新竹縣峨眉鄉 120.984170 24.698021

Converting an existing DataFrame into an GeoDataFrame

In [3]:
rk_species['紀錄時間'] = pd.to_datetime(rk_species['紀錄時間'])
rk_geo = [gpd.geoseries.Point(loc) for loc in zip(rk_species['經度'], rk_species['緯度'])]
rk_species = gpd.GeoDataFrame(rk_species, geometry=rk_geo, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'})
0    POINT (121.636558 24.754443)
1      POINT (122.08166 25.62861)
2    POINT (120.195258 22.894975)
3    POINT (120.788463 24.173821)
4     POINT (120.98417 24.698021)
Name: geometry, dtype: object
In [42]:
rk_species.plot(marker='.', color='b')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x123db7198>

Using the Folium library to visualize our roadkill dataset

Each observation can be represented as a point on the map. It need to be converted to an appropriate format for the HeatMap plugins in Folium.

In [43]:
osmMap = folium.Map(location=[23.5, 121], zoom_start=7)
osmMap.add_child(plugins.HeatMap([(geo.y, geo.x) for geo in rk_species.geometry], 
                                radius=15, blur=12))

Spliting the dataset into specific group depending on the columns we choose

Using the groupby function to split data depending on the scientific names of species and aggregating these data to find out which one is the most observed in our dataset.

In [46]:
rk_species.groupby(['物種名', '物種名(中文)']).size().sort_values(ascending=False).head()
物種名                         物種名(中文)
Duttaphrynus melanostictus  黑眶蟾蜍       274
Cyclophiops major           青蛇         143
Passer montanus saturatus   麻雀         140
Japalura swinhonis          斯文豪氏攀蜥     123
Bufo bankorensis            盤古蟾蜍       117
dtype: int64
In [48]:
target = rk_species[rk_species['物種名'] == 'Duttaphrynus melanostictus']
targetMap = folium.Map(location=[24, 121], zoom_start=7)
targetMap.add_child(plugins.HeatMap([(geo.y, geo.x) for geo in target.geometry], 
                                radius=15, blur=12))

Checking out the number of observations by months

In this part, the column of record time is set to be the index of DataFrame. It help us extract timeseries data from our dataset for different date ranges.

In [12]:
rk_species.index = rk_species['紀錄時間']
id 科名 科名(中文) 物種名 物種名(中文) 紀錄時間 地點 經度 緯度 geometry
2016-01-01 24933 Bufonidae 蟾蜍科 Rana longicrus 長腳赤蛙 2016-01-01 宜蘭縣員山鄉 121.636558 24.754443 POINT (121.636558 24.754443)
2016-01-02 24934 Muscicapidae 鶲科 Turdus pallidus 白腹鶇 2016-01-02 基隆市中正區 122.081660 25.628610 POINT (122.08166 25.62861)
2016-01-02 24935 Muridae 鼠科 Bandicota indica 鬼鼠 2016-01-02 高雄市茄萣區 120.195258 22.894975 POINT (120.195258 22.894975)
2016-01-03 24944 Talpidae 鼴鼠科 Mogera insularis insularis 台灣鼴鼠 2016-01-03 台中市北屯區 120.788463 24.173821 POINT (120.788463 24.173821)
2016-01-04 24971 Colubridae 黃頷蛇科 Lycodon ruhstrati ruhstrati 白梅花蛇 2016-01-04 新竹縣峨眉鄉 120.984170 24.698021 POINT (120.98417 24.698021)
In [51]:
timeseries_data = rk_species.resample('M').size()
2016-01-31     271
2016-02-29     296
2016-03-31     283
2016-04-30    1028
2016-05-31     755
2016-06-30     561
2016-07-31      23
2016-08-31       1
Freq: M, dtype: int64
In [52]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot_date(timeseries_data.index, timeseries_data, linestyle='-')

2. Loading the Tainan City (台南市) shapefile

In [15]:
link = ''

def loadshp(link):
    zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(link).read()))
    ext = [x for x in zipfile.namelist() if x.endswith(('shp', 'dbf', 'shx', 'prj')) and not x.startswith('__')]
    filename = {e.split('.')[1]:e for e in ext}
    return [BytesIO( for k, v in filename.items()]

dbf, prj, shp, shx = loadshp(link)
county = shapefile.Reader(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)
In [21]:
In [16]:
attributes, geometry = [], []
field_names = [cln[0] for cln in county.fields[1:]]

for r in county.shapeRecords():
    r.record = map(lambda x: x.decode('big5') if isinstance(x, bytes) else x, r.record)
    attributes.append(dict(zip(field_names, r.record)))
In [53]:
{'countyname': '臺南市',
 'towncode': '6700034',
 'townid': '67000033',
 'townname': '北區'}
In [54]:
x, y = geometry[1].exterior.xy
plt.plot(x, y)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1240829b0>]
In [19]:
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=attributes, geometry=geometry, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'})
countyname towncode townid townname geometry
0 臺南市 6700035 67000032 安南區 POLYGON ((120.1727360776201 23.08364539706148,...
1 臺南市 6700034 67000033 北區 POLYGON ((120.1779402208271 23.00974395810449,...
2 臺南市 6700031 67000026 永康區 POLYGON ((120.246957768584 23.06559782164893, ...
3 臺南市 6700026 67000027 左鎮區 POLYGON ((120.3583924728384 23.07156791345639,...
4 臺南市 6700030 67000028 龍崎區 POLYGON ((120.3530090989097 23.00036455925004,...
In [20]:
gdf.plot(color='w', edgecolor='b')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11eee25f8>

Creating a GeoPandas DataFrame from the list of geometry, attributes and setting the CRS associated with the geometry column in GeoPandas object. This make us can be enabled the spatial operation on these objects.

Coordinate reference system (CRS)

CRS refers to Coordinate Reference System. You can find the epsg codes for various projections from . If your geospatial objects come from different resources with differernt CRS, you need to convert to the same CRS before you apply spaital operators to them.

In [22]:
countyname towncode townid townname geometry
0 臺南市 6700035 67000032 安南區 POLYGON ((120.1727360776201 23.08364539706148,...
1 臺南市 6700034 67000033 北區 POLYGON ((120.1779402208271 23.00974395810449,...
In [23]:
countyname towncode townid townname geometry
0 臺南市 6700035 67000032 安南區 POLYGON ((165245.5765290013 2553785.381085007,...
1 臺南市 6700034 67000033 北區 POLYGON ((165732.8032140007 2545598.412270008,...

3. Spatial Join by Geographic Region or Attributes

In [24]:
count = gpd.sjoin(rk_species, gdf, op='within').groupby(['townname']).size().to_frame()
count.columns = ['count']
count = count.reset_index()
townname count
0 七股區 4
1 下營區 5
2 中西區 4
3 仁德區 9
4 六甲區 81
In [25]:
gdf = gdf.merge(count, on='townname', how='left')
gdf = gdf.fillna(0)
countyname towncode townid townname geometry count
0 臺南市 6700035 67000032 安南區 POLYGON ((120.1727360776201 23.08364539706148,... 18.0
1 臺南市 6700034 67000033 北區 POLYGON ((120.1779402208271 23.00974395810449,... 2.0
2 臺南市 6700031 67000026 永康區 POLYGON ((120.246957768584 23.06559782164893, ... 0.0
3 臺南市 6700026 67000027 左鎮區 POLYGON ((120.3583924728384 23.07156791345639,... 0.0
4 臺南市 6700030 67000028 龍崎區 POLYGON ((120.3530090989097 23.00036455925004,... 1.0
In [26]:
gdf.plot(column='count', figsize=(15, 10),, legend=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11edba9b0>

4. Fetch OSM Networks from Points in Tainan

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a successful Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) system. The data provided by the OSM is crowdsourced, completely free to use, can be redistributed to anyone for any purpose. So it's very helpful to create custom maps in Jupyter Notebooks.

In [27]:
city = ox.graph_from_point((gdf.unary_union.centroid.y, gdf.unary_union.centroid.x),
ox.plot_graph(city, fig_height=10, fig_width=10, edge_color='black')
(<Figure size 720x720 with 1 Axes>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11f6ea4e0>)
In [28]:
nodes_prj, edges_prj = ox.graph_to_gdfs(city, nodes=True, edges=True)
boundary = box(*edges_prj.unary_union.bounds)
POLYGON ((120.4223099 23.0542733, 120.4223099 23.2407475, 120.2224317 23.2407475, 120.2224317 23.0542733, 120.4223099 23.0542733))
In [55]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
boundarySelection = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[boundary],
rk_species.plot(ax=ax, markersize=5, color='b')
boundarySelection.plot(ax=ax, color='white', edgecolor='r')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1239a8dd8>
In [30]:
rk_species_filter = gpd.sjoin(rk_species, boundarySelection, op='within')
In [31]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
rk_species_filter.plot(ax=ax, markersize=10, color='red')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1213f2080>
In [32]:
LINESTRING (120.2615605 23.2026848, 120.2619655 23.2022596, 120.2631373 23.201085, 120.2646991 23.1996132)
In [56]:
partcity = ox.graph_from_point((23.225, 120.375), distance=5000, network_type='drive')
partmap = ox.plot_graph_folium(partcity)
In [59]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
rk_species_filter.buffer(0.0005).plot(ax=ax, color='r') # 50m
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11df90f28>
In [35]:
rk_species_filter_buf = rk_species_filter.buffer(0.0005)
In [36]:
edges_prj['rkcount'] = 0
addList = []
for p in rk_species_filter_buf:
    for r in edges_prj[edges_prj.intersects(p)].iterrows():
In [37]:
counts = pd.DataFrame(addList)[0].value_counts()
for i in range(len(counts.index)):[counts.index[i], 'rkcount'] = counts[counts.index[i]]
In [38]:
edges_prj.plot(column='rkcount', cmap='YlOrRd')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11e404630>
In [39]:
access bridge geometry highway junction key lanes length maxspeed name oneway osmid ref service tunnel u v rkcount
992 NaN NaN LINESTRING (120.3714228 23.236578, 120.3719208... secondary NaN 0 NaN 4250.401 NaN 曾文街 False [490132307, 362399125, 362399127] 174 NaN NaN 3074364434 2274875711 14
2389 NaN NaN LINESTRING (120.40101 23.2304863, 120.4009222 ... secondary NaN 0 NaN 4250.401 NaN 曾文街 False [490132307, 362399125, 362399127] 174 NaN NaN 2274875711 3074364434 14

Thank you

try to load data from open data platform into your Jupyter Notebook :)